1.75 oz. pure wild Alaska cod skins dog treats are good for cats, too. Drool Central's Fish Chips or wild Alaska cod skins that's made and directly sourced sustainably are rich in pure omega 3 fatty acid that benefits overall health of your dog or cat, especially their skin and fur.
Good organic wild Alaska fresh cod skins dried treats give your well-loved doggies and kitties that satisfying sound-bite CRUNCH, and PURE omega 3-fatty acid great for the skin and fur and overall health. Know that your dog(s) gets an extra ounce of crunch that's Made In Alaska and sourced from pristine Alaskan waters.
Guaranteed Analysis of 76.41% Protein, .12% Omega 3, <1.3% Crude Fat, <0.5% Crude Fiber
Besides the high omega 3 fatty acid and protein source, the collagen in the cod skins from recent scientific studies can have beneficial effect on joints.
Break into small pieces. Some cats love this soft treats. Soften with a bit of hot water.
- Dogs and cats like these treats.
- Single ingredient
- Fresh cod skins directly sourced in Alaska
- Sustainable fishing via long line, pot caught, jig, gill & set net
- Wild Alaska cod
- Made in Alaska
- Made in the USA
- No artificial preservatives
- No substitutions
- No artificial flavorings or seasonings
- No artificial colorings
- Resealable bag
Keep in cool dry place out of moisture, heat or direct sunlight.