4 oz/bag Salmon dog treats with probiotics. Bageltov Sally has joined our probiotic line of cookies with our special homemade goat kefir from local raw goat milk. These probiotic dog treats are so yummy!
Ingredients: Alaska Grown Barley Flour, Wild Alaska Salmon Puree (plus bones & skins), Goat Kefir, Mixed Tocopherols (natural Vit. E), Citric Acid.
- Four ingredients.
- Ingredients from Alaska, USA and Belgium
- Fresh wild Alaska salmon puree including skins & bones*
- Sustainable fishing via long line, pot caught, jig, gill & set net
- Alaska Grown goat milk fermented into kefir
- Alaska Grown barley flour
- Made in Alaska
- Made in the USA
- No artificial preservatives
- No substitutions
- No artificial flavorings or seasonings
- No artificial colorings
- No wheat
- No corn
- No salt
- No refined sugar
- No processed fats
- Resealable bag
Kefir fermentation from any milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk or coconut) tastes like drinkable yogurt. Its nutritional value of kefir contains high levels of vitamin B12, calcium,magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and probiotics.
The same nutrients we humans get from wild Alaska salmon can benefit our precious dogs, too. Drool Central's wild Alaska salmon puree includes the bones and skins that make up for high omega 3 fatty acid and calcium and phosphorus.
Eating wild Alaska salmon boosts::
- anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids
- immune-supportive selenium
- energy-producing phosphorus
- muscle-building protein
- heart-healthy niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and potassium
- bone-building vitamin D
* Salmon bone texture are cooked and become gelatinous.
Guaranteed Analysis: Moisture = 7.77% Protein (crude) = 18.34%
Fat (crude) = 10.21% Fiber (crude) = 1.06%