I Heard Your Wake Up Call
I heard your wake up call early Thursday morning. I love that soft throaty sound in the morning when you want to really go to the bathroom. I never need an alarm clock when to wake up. Just that voice and I would grudgingly open the door to let you out.
I heard your wake up call, and responded, “Puppy!” It means I heard you loud and clear and be at your service.
I heard your wake up call, and I would see your soft furry face staring back at me, imploring me to get up. I don’t need a drill sergeant for that. I have you.
I heard your wake up call, I responded “Puppy,” but I didn’t see your pretty face with those eyes full of love.
I heard your wake up call 18 days after I have seen your lifeless body on the surgery table.
I never believed in those things....until I heard your wake up call, and I want to hear it again, many times over.